The Trust has five hospitals – Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea, St Mary’s and The Western Eye as well as community services.

With our partners, Imperial College London, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, we form Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC). This is one of eight academic health science centres in England, working to improve health and care through increased translation of discoveries from early scientific research into benefits to patients.

We work in partnership with Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC), National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and host the NIHR Clinical Research Network for north west London.


Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust’s fully integrated electronic patient record system captures clinical information during routine care across the full patient pathway covering millions of patient encounters per year. Data include administration, diagnosis (current, long term conditions, risk factors), diagnostics (e.g. radiology, pathology, genomics), treatments (surgery, medication, procedures), observations (vital signs, measurements, clinical observations), demographics and outcomes.

These detailed and granular clinical data are linked with other datasets covering safety, patient feedback, tissue banking, genomics and staffing in highly curated de-identified databases that are made available through the Trust’s iCARE ( platform. These structured and unstructured data are made available for research, service evaluation, audit and clinical analytics through a single application process managed by the NIHR Imperial BRC and data protection office.

Close collaboration with North-West London’s Whole Systems Integrated Care and the HDR-UK Discover-Now platform mean these data are linkable to sector wide primary, secondary, mental health and social care datasets, where appropriate and supported through Information Governance Approval.