The Neonatal Data Analysis Unit (NDAU), based at the Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust campus of Imperial College London, developed and maintains the National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD).
The NNRD is available to support audit, evaluations, bench-marking, quality improvement and a wide range of clinical, epidemiological, health services and policy research. In addition to individual studies, the NNRD supports several national projects, programmes and research units. These include the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health National Neonatal Audit Programme, Maternal and Newborn Policy Research Unit at the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Discover-NOW the UK Health Data Research Hub for Real World Evidence led by Imperial College Health Partners, the March of Dimes Prematurity Research Centre at Imperial College London and the NHS England PReCePT (Prevention of Cerebral Palsy in PreTerm Labour) programme. Researchers can apply for access to data in the NNRD to perform studies to benefit newborn patients and neonatal health services.
Visit the Neonatal Data Analysis Unit’s website
The National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD) is a unique, award-winning, national resource containing quality-assured, “real-world” clinical data recorded in the course of care, on all admissions to NHS neonatal units in England, Wales, Scotland and the Isle of Man from 2007 to the present. At present, the NNRD contains information on around one million babies and 10 million days of care. Data on around 100,000 new patients are added each year. The NNRD is created through the collaborative efforts of neonatal services across the country. Neonatal units contributing data are known as the “UK Neonatal Collaborative”.
Neonatal units submit data through their Electronic Patient Record system supplier. Data in the NNRD comprise the Neonatal Data Set (ISB1595), an approved NHS Information Standard and include demographic details, daily interventions and treatments throughout the inpatient stay, diagnoses and outcomes, and follow-up health status at age two years.
NDAU datasets in the Innovation Gateway
NDAU data uses in the Innovation Gateway