Our inaugural meeting will be will be co-chaired by Dani Prieto-Alhambra (Professor of Pharmaco- and Device Epidemiology, University of Oxford) and Geoff Hall (Professor of Digital Health, University of Leeds). It will be a virtual event (on Zoom), lasting about 90 minutes.

The program includes:

  • Introduction to OMOP – Geoff Hall
  • Local data, global evidence: federated learning – Dani Prieto-Alhambra
  • Large-scale studies using OMOP: Characterizing Adverse Events in COVID-19 infected patientsErica Voss (Johnson & Johnson)
  • Case Study 1: Connected BradfordJohn Birkinshaw and Kuldeep Sohal (Connected Bradford)
  • Case Study 2: DECOVID ProjectSuzy Gallier (PIONEER)
  • Case Study 3: CPRD Daniel Dedman (MHRA)
  • Q&A and Discussion

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