30 October 2019
In order to reach our aim of maximising value of health data for research, it is important that as a community working across sectors that we are aligning around consistent standards for data to improve quality, interoperability, reuse, and translation to clinical care.
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We are therefore interested to hear views from people we work with across Health Data Research UK on how this should best be achieved. To stimulate thinking, we have produced a draft data quality and standards strategy ‘green paper’, and are gathering feedback to the specific questions within the document via a survey here.
Please note that this is intended as an initial outline to provide context and suggest possible strategies.
The standards will develop in parallel with the developments underway as part of our work to create a UK-wide infrastructure for the responsible use of health data for research and innovation. A major aim of the programme is to improve data quality and availability through curation, and hence agreed ways of evaluating this are required.
It is not intended for Health Data Research UK to enforce a particular specific single data standard, but rather to agree principles of best practice around open standards and to ensure that all those involved in health data research understand their obligations when making data available.
We would be very grateful for your feedback and comments by Monday 11 November 2019. The responses will then be used to prepare a revised ‘white paper’ representing the Health Data Research UK Data Quality and Standards Strategy by January 2020.
Download the HDR UK Data Quality Standards Green Paper